
The Journal of Innovation Management (JIM) adheres to COPE's Core Practices; and Promoting integrity in research and its publication guidelines and processes.


 JIM Authors are responsible for:


Authors must clearly and explicitly attribute and acknowledge the originator of any data or content that is directly extracted from written sources, regardless of whether that source is published, unpublished, or accessible electronically. Proper citation is required for the concepts and thoughts of others, even if those ideas are not directly quoted or rephrased. 


Authors must also reference publications that have influenced their work and provide the necessary contextualization within the broader scholarly discourse.


Each author is also accountable for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authorship requires the ability to approve the final version of the work and agree to its submission.


The qualities of trust and integrity rank as paramount for readers when it comes to scholarly peer-reviewed journal content.


Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement

The Journal of Innovation Management (JIM) adheres to COPE's Plagiarism in a submitted manuscript guidance and follows COPE's definition of plagiarism - “When somebody presents the works of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own without proper acknowledgement.” – Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 


COPE defines plagiarism as, "When somebody presents the work of others (data, words, or theories) as if they were their own and without proper acknowledgment."


As a component of the submission procedure, JIM requests authors to affirm that the work they are submitting is their own original creation, that they possess the rights to the work, and that they have acquired and are capable of providing all requisite permissions for reproducing any copyrighted materials not under their ownership.


JIM Editors apply informed judgement, on a case-by-case basis, supported by reports from various reliable sources (software or other), including: Turnitin©; COPE's guidance on Plagiarism in a submitted manuscript, and Plagiarism in a published article.


JIM also follows the best practice process as identified in COPE's Discussion Document on 'How should editors respond to plagiarism?'