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All JIM Authors are expected to have read JIM's Author Guidelines in full.

What is included in the Guidelines?

  • What authors need to know BEFORE SUBMISSION:
    • Open Access Policy;
    • Creative Commons-BY Licence and Copyright;
    • Ethics in Publishing, which includes: 
      • Authorship;
      • Submission declaration and verification;
      • Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies;
      • Digital image manipulation;
      • Conflicts of interest;
      • Funding declaration; 
      • Misconduct in publishing;
      • Hazards to human or animal subjects.

  • SUBMISSION and Double-Blind Peer Review Policy, includes:
    • Using JIM's online Submission Platform;
    • Details on what MUST be included in each of the THREE documents required upon initial submission:
      • Title Page;
      • Anonymised Highlights Page;
      • Anonymised Manuscript Document (keywords, manuscript headings, style guide etc).
  • What to expect AFTER SUBMISSION:
    • Confirmation of receipt of submission via email to the corresponding author AND all listed authors.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • JIM only accepts papers that are written in clear and understandable English. Authors whose native language is not English are advised to have their works checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submitting the paper.
  • The submission has been uploaded as 3 separate WORD documents:
    • Title Page,
    • Anonymised Highlights Page, and
    • Anonymised Manuscript Document (critical to JIM’s double-blind peer review process). See JIM's Author Guidelines for full instructions.
  • All Authors are aware of their obligation to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes in case of detection in a reasonable timeframe.
  • All Author contributions are reported on the Title Page using individual CRediT Statements next to their names, email, affiliation (including name, state, country), ORCID.
  • Authors must ensure the submission's list of references is complete and consistent with citations throughout.
  • All Authors are aware submissions to JIM are checked for plagiarism.
  • The name & email of all contributing authors have been added to the online submission form. Adding contributing authors after starting the review process is NOT PERMITTED.
  • JIM's Double-Blind Peer Review process has been followed. Refer to JIM's Double-Blind Peer Review Policy on its website.
  • The submission adheres to the stylistic (including figures & tables) & bibliographic requirements outlined in JIM's Author Guidelines document (pages 5-8).
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration in another journal. Refer to JIM’s Submission Declaration and Verification information on its website.
  • Any material with copyright used/referred to in the submission has been authorized by the owner and acknowledged. Refer to JIM's Originality & Plagiarism Policy on its website.
  • Financial (or other) support has been acknowledged. For initial submissions, this must only be on the Title Page. Refer to JIM's Author Guidelines on its website.
  • All Authors have read JIM's Author Guidelines in full and have approved the final submisson. See JIM's Author Guidelines on its website.