The Journal of Innovation Management (JIM) only accepts papers that are written in clear and understandable English. Authors whose native language is not English are advised to have their works checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submitting the paper.


In all submissions to JIM, authors must declare, in the submission Title Page that the work described is original, has neither been previously published in any language nor concurrently submitted to multiple journals for review. The work must be approved by all listed authors and any relevant authorities, if applicable, where the study was conducted. 


To ensure transparency and avoid concerns of text-recycling or "self-plagiarism," authors must provide clear information on the reuse of material. It is not acceptable to divide a single study into multiple parts to artificially increase the number of submissions across different journals or over time. 


Submission accepted by JIM will not appear elsewhere in identical form, in English or any other language, including electronically, without the copyright holder's written consent. Submissions may undergo scrutiny using tools for verifying originality and duplicates.