The Authenticity Business Model Canvas - A New Tool Applied to the Portuguese Way of St. James

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Carlos Ferreira
José Miguel Oliveira
Manuel Sousa Aroso


The Authenticity Business Model Canvas is a tool to enhance the role of authenticity in business models. It was based on the combination of the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas (TLBMC) proposed by Joyce and Paquin (2016) with the authenticity theory presented by Wang (1999). The model attempts to solve the challenge of helping companies identify sources for value creation by involving key stakeholders (particularly employees and customers) to improve the authenticity of the business. The research shows that the enhancement of object-based and existential authenticity, as well as relational value, contributes to increasing customer loyalty, customer lifetime value and word of mouth. This paper explains how the tool was developed through a case study applied to the Portuguese Way of St. James. The Authenticity Business Model Canvas is presented and its key features are described.

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